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Teams Standings Schedule / Results Stats Leaders Player Efficiency
Teams Standings Schedule / Results Stats Leaders Player Efficiency
Teams Standings Schedule / Results Stats Leaders Player Efficiency
Standings Schedule / Results

Meneses hopes to see Teodoro involve his teammates more

Is it time for Tey Teodoro to embrace more of a playmaking role rather than just be Jose Rizal U’s go-to scorer?

If coach Vergel Meneses would have his way, he’d love to see that shift , especially with how the the fourth-year gunner has struggled this NCAA Season 93.

JRU coach Vergel Meneses. Photo by Tristan Tamayo/ INQUIRER.net
“I told him that he should be able to play and adapt on what’s beneficial for the team. He should play with a goal that he wants to involve his teammates,” the mentor said in Filipino.

Meneses went as far as wishing Teodoro to emulate a former NCAA rival in Jio Jalalon.  “He should be like Jalalon who is a facilitator and who makes his teammates better.”

Teodoro has been averaging 13.2 points on a 30.4-percent from three, on top of 3.2 rebounds and 1.8 assists this season.

Author: Randolph B. Leongson
Full Article: http://sports.inquirer.net/261167/meneses-hopes-see-teodoro-involve-teammates

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